Hello, Sweet Friends! Goodness– I actually feel rusty when it comes to writing a personal blog post! I’m so sad that blogging has fallen by the wayside ever since our little boy came into our lives and turned our world upside down (for the better!)! I’ve got lots of fresh ideas though for new blog posts, so hopefully I can make that happen in the very near future!
We’ve been keeping VERY busy this year. We (and by ‘we’ I mean Lance, his brother, and their Dad) have been working on finishing our basement! This is extremely exciting because our house is very tiny and a finished basement will help it make more sense as far as storage goes, as well as a little more living space, and not to mention a laundry room and a workshop! We are so excited for this project to wrap up– our goal is to have it mostly done by Christmas. It’s amazing how long a project like this takes when you’re doing it yourself… there are just so many steps in the process. Our house has felt a little discombobulated for several months now… it seems like everything is everywhere… but there are now some basement walls with paint on them and it’s lookin’ like hope to me =]
We just celebrated Trevor’s 1st Birthday! Cue the emotional mommy tears. Gosh, it’s just so hard to believe. My tiny little lump of love has transformed into a talking, laughing, pointing, crawling, eating, walking, dancing, clapping, car & truck-loving, adventurer! It’s just the most amazing thing in the world to witness. Trevor brings joy into our lives every single day. I still am in awe of the fact that God has gifted us with so much meaning and responsibility and joy! all wrapped up in our little boy. He trusts us with this… that’s just wild.
Last month I attended the Pursuit Conference in Georgia for the third year. I was tickled pink to be attending with two very dear friends as well as my sister! We had a wonderful time traveling together in our little posse and bonding over late night conversations… and as a result of those late night conversations the four of us are now having a small Bible study together. The conference itself was amazing, eye-opening, and inspiring much like it always is– but that’s a blog post for another day =]
I am on day 6 of a two week challenge that I’ve given myself to consume no sugar! I’m going to be real with you– I eat way. too. much. sugar. I love sweets! I’ve been aware that I need to do something for a long time and the final straw was getting a little out of control with some candy corn that I had in the house (haha! gross!). There just comes a time when enough is enough! So I’m giving up sugar for two weeks in hopes that it will help reset my palate. And I’m doing pretty well… I had a headache the first day, but other than that I’m surviving just fine. I do REALLY miss my tea and nightly ice cream though.
Besides that, it’s just been life as usual; taking one day at a time. Enjoying the big and the small moments and not letting any of it slip away unappreciated.
***Thank you Nicola Herring Photography for the adorable 1 year photos of Trevor (first group of images)!