Friends!! Something new is here!! 🥳 I am making a grand ol’ pivot from “wedding photographer” to a “boutique photographer” specializing in families and wall portraits. I am so. wildly. excited. Now that the cat’s out of the bag, let’s back up a little, shall we?
Weddings have been my main focus here at Sara Bittner Photography for the last 12+ years. I’ve photographed families, seniors, etc. all along the way too, that’s just not the work that I sought out. Weddings were where it was at for me. This past fall I photographed mini sessions, like I usually do, but this time after the last client was lovingly captured, I felt a shift. A subtle, but at the same time, strong & clear shift. My heart grew three sizes that day! I felt my passion pivoting. It caught me off guard.
I felt such intense joy photographing these beautiful families and their wonderful, growing children. I knew that I wanted to do more of this right here! I have also noticed ways in which I wasn’t serving my clients to the best of my ability when it came to family portraits. So I’m doing the work to pivot my business. I’m modifying while retaining continuity. I have a business coach and I am completely restructuring my business! You may have already seen some of this on my social media pages. The website will catch up too. 😉 As much as it’s hard for me to start sharing all of this before everything is perfect, lined up, and well… perfect; I’m learning that imperfect action is better than perfect inaction. A tough pill for a perfectionist to swallow, but I’m moving forward!
I have new products, new ways of serving, new joy. I can’t wait to share more with you in the days to come. For now, please know that you are beautiful and you are loved. 💓
P.S. If you are super curious and you want to learn more please get a hold of me, I’d love to tell you all about it!
Phone: (717) 723-9796
Yes!! I’m so excited for you! Passion in our work is so important. And you’re an amazing photographer with a beautiful heart. Looking forward to all the pieces coming together for you one by one.