I have such cherished childhood memories of opening up the cedar chest that rested in our living room, pulling out the old, stuck together photo albums of our family’s history, and flipping through the orange-tinged photos one by one. This was truly one of my favorite things to do as a child. I loved seeing myself and my siblings as babies and toddlers… those photos taught me things of which I had no memory. The house that my parents brought me home to from the hospital. The sweet relationship I had with our dear dog, Amber. Visiting my new baby sister in the hospital. The amazing perm my mom had in the late ’80s. ๐ I loved looking through photos of the things that I wasn’t around for too… like my parents’ wedding and their adventures in Germany.
Do you have memories like that? Have you noticed that your kids love looking at photos on your phone or, perhaps, photos of themselves that you have printed? I know mine do. There is so much to be gained by displaying prints and albums of your family. It helps kids know where they come from and where they belong. It’s an anchor point for them. Seeing photos of themselves with the family reinforces that they belong here, they’re safe here. No matter what messages the outside world is telling them… home is the place where they are seen, valued, and loved.

This is actually backed up by scientific research! Studies show that when children see photographs of themselves proudly and prominently displayed in their home, their self-esteem gets an overall boost! What an invaluable gift we can give to our children.
The way photos are displayed makes an impact as wellโ photographs that can be held and touched carry more weight than those stored digitally. There’s a much stronger sense of permanence. Even if you’re accustomed to filling your social media accounts with your family’s pictures, your kids most likely won’t have access to them until they are teenagers (if that platform isn’t obsolete by then) and even then they’ll ask you to delete old pictures of them!
The benefits don’t stop with the kids. Imagine how having a family portrait displayed near the entry-way that you use the most can change a mood or an attitude. When you or your spouse are coming home from a frustrating and exhausting day at work (or leaving for one), a glance at the people they love most in this world can remind them why they stick with it. Why they keep doing the hard things day after day. Photographs can help us adults know where we belong too.
As my family and I grow I am seeing more and more just how deeply true and important these facts are. This is why I’m so delighted that I get to do what I do to help YOU build a solid home base for your family; a haven. ๐ Get in touch with me sooner rather than later so I can help you fill your home with all the joy, love, and belonging vibes FOR YOUR FAMILY’S BENEFIT! I can’t wait to show you all of the beautiful products I have for you to choose from to make your house a home.